Latvia - Videos on Young farmers in Youth program “Support to young people for starting entrepreneurship in rural areas”

This year in July Latvian Rural Advisory and Training Centre (institution, which is acting also as a Latvian Rural Network Unit) have started a new program – “Support to young people for starting entrepreneurship in rural areas”.

To see if it will work out, we practiced it in 4 regions in Latvia. The program is free of charge for all participants. Participants are young people 18–30 years old, which live in one of the targeted regions and want to start their own business in rural area or are willing to do some social activities to make the life in rural areas more attractive to young people.

The program was divided into 2 parts. First part is 2 – 4 days training course – that is based on finding out ideas that young people could realize in the region they live. And second part is realization of the idea together with a specialist from Latvian Rural Advisory and Training Centre. The specialist could help to write a Business plan or application for example to EU support measure “Setting up of Young Farmers” or any other help that the participants need for the realization his idea.
In training courses we also use our videos on young farmers as best practice example. Participants enjoy them. As they said afterwards it helps them believe that it could be done and they mostly trust if it is said by people in the same age and maybe with the same way of life. 

Latvian videos :

Belgium - Conference about Young Farmers

Friday 9 December, during AGRIBEX Fair in Brussels, one hundred people attended to a conference about the future of young farmers. This conference was organised by Rural Networks of Wallonia and Flanders, in collaboration with 4 young farmers associations (FJA, FUGEA, ABS Jong and Groene Kring).

Part one of the meeting : Skills of young farmers and training for tomorrow
Discussion based on the filmed experience of Raphaël GRODENT (in french only)

Part two : Cooperation between farmers
Discussion based on the filmed experience of three young flemish farmers (in english)

Part three : To start a farming activity, definition and implementation of a personal project of installation
Discussion based on the filmed experience of Anne-Françoise GEORGES (in English)

Next meeting will gather representatives of all young farmers associations. Debates and questions are first steps on the road to recomendations for future RDP and network working plan for 2012-2014.

Greece - To start a farming activity

Video edited by Greek Network for Rural Development

Konstantinos PAPAIOANOU
Issue : To start a farming activity
November 2011

Spain - To start a farming activity

Video edited by Spanish Network of Rural Development

Issue : To start a farming activity
November 2011

Spain - Learning experience

Video edited by Spanish Network for Rural Development

Issue : Learning experience
November 11